Torres del Río
Camino Frances
Descending from the heights of Sansol into Torres del Río, one wonders why anyone would build a village in such an awkward to defend location. The only logical reason is the río Linares which gives the town its name and easy access to water.
The town is curious for the fact that nearly all of the buildings (at least their exteriors) have been restored, giving the impression that there are more (and more to do) people living here than there actually are.
Pay a visit to the octagonal Iglesia de Santo Sepulcro, which like the one in Eunate cannot escape references to a Templar connection.
The stretch between here and Viana has the nickname ‘The Knee Wrecker’ because of its frequent ups and downs. The only place for shade and pause is at the Capilla de la Virgen del Poyo where a seasonal food kiosk sets up shop.