
Camino Frances

To end of camino

Honto [Huntto]






Orisson is a common stopping point for pilgrims wishing to split the walk over the pass into more manageable sections.


If you arrive here late in the day don’t just pass on by. Drop in and inquire about the weather, and if you choose to continue on make it clear to somebody that you are doing so. If it is anywhere near nightfall (within 6 hours), consider changing your plans to stay on this side of the pass.

Last minute reservations in Orisson, as well as the Borda albergue 1.5km further up the road, are difficult to achieve. An alternative is to a dangerous crossing is to return to Saint Jean via taxi, and to return the same way to Orisson the following morning.

WARNING: Fill up your water here. There is no guarantee of a water supply beyond this point. You are advised to take at least 2 liters with you.

City Map
Accommodation in Orisson
Camino de Santiago Accommodation: Refuge Orisson


All Caminos App User (not verified)

I made a reservation at Orrison and they cancelled the night before (not sure why). Borda was also booked. The food truck was not there. I packed snacks and made it all the way to Roncesvalles and it was a very long day. Everyone along the journey was great but I think it’s important to have a plan and a backup plan. Take care of your feet and pack a snack. Buen Camino.

All Caminos App User (not verified)

At first it looked like chaos when we arrived wet and cold but it was far from that. We were met with a waitress telling people to take their wet weather gear off outside. She then organised the whole room with their lunch orders . The dinner was great! The company was great and they supplied old newspaper to dry out their wet shoes.

All Caminos App User (not verified)

Stayed at Orison on first night. So much excitement in the air. Walked up from SJPP in wind and rain. There was a place to hang your rain gear and newspaper to stuff your shoes. Staff were amazing. Great soup and bread for lunch and then pilgrims menu at night. Everyone had a chance to introduce themselves via using a spoon as a mic. It was a fun night. The outside deck was closed due to conditions.

All Caminos App User (not verified)

Hello!! I have booked my first night here, and paid for it. I booked directly, did not use a service. I can’t find a confirmation or evidence of my booking g except for on my credit card statement. Should I be concerned? This is my very first time !

All Caminos App User (not verified)

The dormitories were clean, well maintained and looked over a lovely valley. The meal was delicious and the time for introducing ourselves and our reason for walking the Camino was very meaningful.

All Caminos App User (not verified)

My daughter and I stayed here our first night. It was very clean and well organized. The views are first rate! The staff is busy and sometimes the pilgrims treat this place more like they are tourists. I read somewhere on a sign something like: “Tourists demand. Pilgrims find gratitude.” Connect with your gratitude. Make incredible friends you’ll see over and over along the way and Buen Camino!

All Caminos App User (not verified)

If you are thinking of staying overnight at Auberge Orisson here are some helpful hints:
1. The staff is busy, exercise patience;
2. The staff may come across as rude, exercise empathy. You are on a journey. They are on the job;
3. Book way ahead. If you cannot make it all the way to Roncesvalles, make this stop the first place you book in your planning;
4. Take the sandwich option for the next day. The mountains are a great place for a picnic;
5. Ask them for your wi-fi code. They will not tell you unless you ask. However, wi-fi is not available if you’re just passing through;
6. If you have a private room, pay the €20 deposit for your key. You get it back, and you can feel secure about your belongings;
7. If you are traveling with another person and want to sit together for dinner, show up early. People line up. However, pilgrims are kind, they will probably move for you;
8. ONE 7-minute shower was enough time for TWO of us. Think about water and the environment - make it part of your Pilgrimage;
9. Orisson is NOT the only choice. You can stay at Auberge Borda, you can walk all the way to Roncesvalles, or you can taxi back to St. Jean and come back the next day; And finally,
10. After reading all this, make sure that this is really the place for you. Once you book, there is no refund. Just a date change if they have availability.
Buen Camino!

All Caminos App User (not verified)

We really enjoyed the day and evening. Warmly welcomed by staff that were super busy . An amazing day and evening spent there , clean and well organised. WIFI is available if you are staying. The dinner was delicious and plentiful and served with red wine . So glad we broke the walk there as a lot of Pilgrims that walked through to Ronsavalles in the rain , were exhausted and said they regretted not breaking the walk .

Camino de Sant… (not verified)

The view in Orisson is spectacular. I recommend booking in advance. It was fully booked but I was lucky and had booked two weeks before arriving. The staff was busy but always helpful. It’s a nice stop where you can relax after the first day of walking.

All Caminos App User (not verified)

For my wife and I, staying at Orisson was the smart decision for us. The scenery was beautiful and all of the staff seemed to work hard to take care of the pilgrims. That said, there are some weird things happening at this place. For the pilgrims staying upstairs, the toilets do not have toilet lids. Nothing like a good hike and then have to hover over the toilet. Not cool. The female waitress worked hard, but I witnessed her giving major attitude to several of the pilgrims. My last gripe is that the showers require tokens for 7 minutes of shower. I’m several days down the road now, and thankfully tokens haven’t been in any of the albuergues we’ve stayed in since. The problem is that they are the only game in town if you aren’t up for the walk straight to Roncesvalles.