Left to Castañares or Straight to Vilafria

Camino Frances

Left to Castañares or Straight to Vilafria

Less than 1km after leaving Orbaneja Ríopico the camino splits, offering two different ways to get to Burgos.  Of the two, the River Route is the strong favorite but the yellow arrows come and go as local business vandalize the official markers in an attempt to divert traffic.

‌River Route, via Castañares - 11.3 km

Although the trail through Castañares is considered by some to be an alternative route, it offers a much more pleasent and fully signed way to the center of Burgos. There are a few tricks, since from Castañares there are also two trails, one along the road and one along the river. To begin your way to Castañares, follow these directions:

When leaving Orbaneja you will cross a bridge over the AP-1 (see map on previous page). A short distance afterward, at the junction leading to a housing development on your left hand side, turn left and follow the trail to Castañares. From Castañares you will have another choice between the road and a trail (see map below).

Read paragraph below, or inquire in the bar Peregrina T. Owners Cesar and Paloma will point you in the right direction. They speak English and are quite helpful.

‌Via Vilafría - 11.8 km

When leaving Orbaneja you will cross a bridge over the AP-1. A short distance afterward, at the junction leading to a housing development on your left hand side, continue straight for the road via Vilafría.  This route will take you around the airport and is city walking along the sidewalk to the center of Burgos.

City Map


Camino de Sant… (not verified)

There is construction improving the bridge over the motorway before the housing development. This obscures the left hand turn onto the route to Castañares. Unfortunately once you start on the route round the top of the airport, there’s no way to get back to the river route, other than to turn around a retrace your steps. My advice? As soon as you know you’ve gone wrong turn sound. Retracing is SO much more preferable than the ugly and long paved surfaces via Villafria. Why the official route follows such an uninspiring and exhausting path into Burgos is unexplainably bizarre. Persevere to find and follow the river route!

Camino de Sant…

Walked the main route through the industrial areas in 2017. Such a drag. No water and no place to pee for long stretches. Walked the river today in 2021. So peaceful and shady. Infinitely preferable! And not too hard to find starting from the water fountain next to the bar mentioned above. Definitely follow the river.

Camino de Sant…

There are no signs or waymarks whatsoever to indicate the left turn to Villavar and Cardeñula, and the left turn to Castañares, and as mentioned in the text picking up the alternative river route to Burgos in Castañares is a little tricky (Bar Pelegrina T. appears to have gone out of business). BUT just keep your eyes and this app's map open, and keep tracking where you are and stick to the green dotted line, and you'll be golden. I had a great walk from Atapuerca to Burgos, and found the routes (including the river route) to be lovely.