San Esteban de Leces

Camino del Norte

To end of camino

San Pedro de Leces


San Esteban de Leces


Vega de Ribadesella

Slightly off the camino and without any services in sight.

The Road

If you stayed at the albergue here retrace your steps to Abeu to resume the camino, turning left at the bend in the road to follow the left most trail.

City Map


All Caminos App User (not verified)

i read here that you can buy food and drinks, so didn't bring some. in the end i saw there's just a machine with drinks and fish cans and when i asked the host if i can buy something (it doesn't work with coins) he said "it's closed" ://
the albergues rooms are clean, but everything is old..also old martasses and blankets and also my mattress smelled like pee ://
nice garden though, there are cats and even a guinea pig

All Caminos App User (not verified)

The host is very welcoming and the albergue has good peregrino services. Although they don’t have fresh food ( you can buy some in Ribadesella) it does have a little store where you can buy pasta, some canned goods such as tuna and muscles , it has wine and beer for sale as well as pop and water. Microwave and stovetop. Nice outdoor courtyard. Hand washing or machines (ask the hospitaleros).

Camino de Sant… (not verified)

I stayed here in May 2023. We arrived at the agreed time and were greeted by the female host/volunteer(?) giving us the stink eye. Weird welcome. We then got to meet the male host. He was throughout our whole stay agitated and providing a hostile atmosphere. He went through the motion of being a host but it was obvious he hated the Pelegrinos. Asking if one could pay by card? He behaved as if one insulted him personally. Not verbally but eye roll and hostile body language and attitude.

Another big problem was how moist this place was. Really bad air quality and judging from the patchy paint they are most likely dealing with mold issues. There was one little humidifier which of course was whole fully inadequate to deal with the problem. There were two dogs right outside the window, barking late and again at sunrise. In the morning someone opened a window in the sleeping quarters, as one does. Later the male host when noticing this became very upset, claiming it's forbidden to open any window. There was no such sign. He then pestered pilgrims individually to inquire who commited the crime of opening a window in a packed room that sleeps >25 people. Outlets were a little sparse. Beds were average.

Breakfast was good, real butter and tasty bread. Nicely prepared for each person. There was a toaster that pilgrims used when we got there. The host realized this and started reprimanding us that he does the toasting. It's a toaster, relax or have a sign. Or act friendly maybe? He was constantly sitting in a corner observing anyone in a paranoid manner, just looking to go after pilgrims. Everyone behaved very normal.

Bad, almost aggressive atmosphere. We felt being treated like a mix between little kids and prison inmates. Just very unwelcoming.

Leaving this Albergue felt like a rock being lifted off our hearts. My little group agreed later unanimously that this was the worst Albergue experience on the whole Camino for us.

Camino de Sant… (not verified)

No dinner available in Aug ‘22 but breakfast andeverything else with a great walled garden - cool and quiet, and the “extra” walk is tiny - worth every step. Lovely hosts. Very chilled.

Camino de Sant…

It is lovely here! So welcoming. They offer an evening meal and breakfast.

Camino de Sant…

It is lovely here! So welcoming. They offer an evening meal and breakfast.

Camino de Sant…

I intended to stay in the previous town but the “Albergue“ on the beach was full of tourists and wanted to charge €35! So I walked the extra 3Km at the end of a long wet day. I am so glad I did the Albergue costs €12 which is very reasonable on the Norte‘ But I chose to eat here for an extra €10 I can honestly say it was the nicest meal i have had whIle walking in Spain. I thoroughly reccomend this Abergue

Camino de Sant…

A private Albergue with a lot of beds, a nice garden . And you can get food here! You can buy food for cooking, get drinks and what else do you need?