
Camino Frances

To end of camino

Arroyo San Bol




San Antón - The Ruins

Public Pool

The town of Hontanas derives its name from the numerous natural springs, fontanas, that are to be found here.

These days the fountains still pour day and night, but it is the local pool which does most of the refreshing.


San Roque is celebrated on the 16th of August.

City Map


All Caminos App User (not verified)

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All Caminos App User (not verified)

This is a great, clean place to stay with a fantastic paella meal!

Camino de Sant… (not verified)

Great break for breakfast just as you get into town.

Camino de Sant… (not verified)

We stumbled across the spa when getting the Kay for our accomodation. Decided to give it a go. It was magnificent!! Jets for weary feet, calves, thighs and shoulders. Many others but that is where I spent my time. Also a magnificent sauna and drench bucket for post sauna.

We paid $15 E for an hour which is plenty of time and the time keeper turned a blind eye anyway.

The management is super friendly and helpful, including coming early morning to open shop for a silly git (me) who left their phone in a locker!

The spa is certainly with a stop in Hontanas for achy feet and legs. Trust me, this is not a paid advertisement.

Camino de Sant… (not verified)

There is a tiny hermitage/shrine dedicated to St Brigid of Sweden in a little park as you enter the town. There is a small bench inside and a statue of the saint— a great little space for some quiet contemplation. She is co-patron saint of Europe and the hermitage was established in Hontanas as a meeting place for pilgrims. She made her own pilgrimage to Santiago in 1341.

Camino de Sant…

I often skip visiting the church, but this one has a unique meditation/prayer space. Worth a visit.

Camino de Sant…

There is no real market in this town. The albergue Juan de Yepes sells some sandwiches bag chips, and some basic fruit, some of which wasn't ripe.

Camino de Sant…

There’s a - seemingly rather new - „Viewpoint Café“ right next to the way in the middle of nowhere approximately 1,5 km before Hontanas.

Camino de Sant…

All the shops, bars, albergues were closed around 11. The only open restaurant would only open from 1 in the afternoon.