Contact Info

La Cruz, 8
41240 Sevilla

+34 954 735 043
Private Rooms
Double room
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Camino de Sant…

I stayed for 2 nights, 3/7 & 8, my first impression was good. The staff was friendly, they had 2 sources of heat. Lunch on my first day was good.
Then things changed, they had no WiFi, at all in the bedroom but neglected to tell me, so my rest day was spent listening to an audio book.
The next morning there was NO hot water, I mean none. Even in Mexico they’ve figured that out. On Sunday when I was out, they cleaned the room but shut down both heat sources. It was weird. Then to top it off my second day lunch was not as good as the first day, even though it was the same courses, the fries were cold. Lastly I got the definite feeling of a not warm welcome any more, I have no clue. One great thing, their flan was fantastic!