
Camino Frances

Camino del Norte

Camino Primitivo

To end of camino

San Paio - San Payo






Der Name Lavacolla hat eine der am meisten diskutierten Ursprünge aller Camino-Orte. Sie reichen vom langweiligen "Feld am Fuße des Hügels" bis zum profanen "Waschen der Geschlechtsteile". Es ist weithin akzeptiert, dass die PilgerInnen in diesem Fluss gebadet haben, bevor sie die Kathedrale betraten.


Wenn Sie die Treppe hinuntergegangen sind, um eine der Bars unten zu besuchen, wenden Sie und gehen die Stufen hinauf zur Iglesia de Benaval. Der Camino geht weiter auf der rechten Seite und hinunter zur Straße, die Sie am Zebrastreifen überqueren und weiter wo Sie dann weiter auf der Straße und über den berühmten Fluss gehen (siehe Kasten unten).

City Map


All Caminos App User (not verified)

This is absolutely not even close to the last hill. Walked 4K more and already several much steeper hills!

All Caminos App User (not verified)

I wanted to go to the famous bakery but it was closed on a Tuesday at 1pm, so disappointed 🥲

All Caminos App User (not verified)

What a beautiful albergue! Everything immaculately clean. Beds are private, each one with a light and a socket for charging. Real linen already on beds. Areas for cooking, doing laundry, and a sitting area are so well-designed and welcoming. Games and books provide activities for rainy afternoons. The newly opened restaurant next door was excellent. Plus the owner, Alsira, is such a wonderful hostess! She has created such an inviting space for those last night on the Camino. I HIGHLY recommend this as your last evening.

All Caminos App User (not verified)

Very unfriendly staff. Suggest eating elsewhere.

All Caminos App User (not verified)

I stayed here before getting a bus out to Samos. It was an easy walk from the airport. Would be a good place to stay at the end of your Way before you get to SdeC. A great pension. Lovely people and a good price.

All Caminos App User (not verified)

New Albergue opened August 2023, beautiful, real sheets, big lockers and each bunk has privacy curtains, lights and electric. Great common space and garden. Lovely owner. A pity it doesn't show yet on the app. Can book via where it's rated 9.3.

All Caminos App User (not verified)

The most wonderful new place. Bunkbeds with curtains and so tasteful decorated. Will highly recommmend this place in the middel of Lavacolla. Book it on Eur 20,-

All Caminos App User (not verified)

Thoroughly recommend for a comfortable nights stay before the 10km walk to Santiago. There’s a cross country short cut to get you back onto the Camino trail in the morning. Beautiful accommodation, very friendly staff and although the main host spoke good English, he was very patient with our Spanish as he could see we were learning. Beautiful chapel on site.